If your child is unwell and not fit to come to school please make sure that you call the school office before 8.55am in the morning. All unauthorised absences are followed up on the day of the absence. If your child has suffered from sickness/diarrhoea they should not return to school until 48 hrs from the last episode (guidance from the Health Protection Agency).
If you intend to take your child out of school for other reasons e.g. medical appointments you must let the school know beforehand through the school office. When attending appointments etc during the school day, children should be signed in and out of school in the file at the school reception.
To take children on holiday during term time parents must gain authorisation from the headteacher on an application for leave of absence form. Authorisation is at the discretion of the headteacher and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances (see attendance policy). If unauthorised leave is taken it could lead to a fine being issued through the Local Authority.